Friday 14 July 2017


It is a multipurpose product. You may use it by spray it on the injured surface like cut, burning for fast recovery. You can use it to irritate eyes, smelling mouth or odour underarm and dry hair. Besides, it may also to be used for moisture purpose for skin and face. It can reduce the old or new scar.
WM RM460 , EM RM470 ( 2 box)
                                                                               WM RM260 , EM RM270 (1 box)

Thursday 13 July 2017

Redoxy ~the most nutrition product for facial

The Redoxy is the protection lotion for face and neck. It helps to repair the skin, recover the tissue of apply area. It didn't cause any effect to baby and pregnant woman.
It can help to make the face more beautiful and young by lifting up the tissue, repair the surface like wrinkles, acne scars, rash, pigment, dull skin.
Never try never know. I am the one who use it and get the benefit.
This is the prove of redoxy user~
WM RM195, EM RM204(1 bottle)

Wednesday 12 July 2017

The miracle of W+

W+ helps lots of woman to pregnant after few years or more~ It is an intake product that helps to maintain hormone to get pregnant easily. Never try never know, dont give up~
WM RM425 , EM RM436 (3 box)
WM RM163 , EM RM170 (1 box)

Tuesday 11 July 2017

what is cheap but good? Look here

This is the promotion set for july
This is the first promotion set that consists of all facial products~

With full set of facial care❀
It is worth more than the price❀

Wednesday 5 July 2017

All product of return legacy

Hard to get a new products? Here the Return Legacy that can provide internal and external protection to our skin and body.